Sunday 10 a.m.–1 p.m. in Expo Hall
Prospects of an impulse sensoring mechanism in structural composites.
Shah Rukh Shahbaz, Omer Berk BERKALP
The world is moving towards the demand for long-life and reliable components for structural needs in construction, aircraft and renewable energy areas which are being fulfilled by researchers and industries working in this field. The strength of the material can signify a good importance at the start of its service life but following that, it needs to be inspected in schedules which causes production losses and limitations for mobility. Exposure to adverse environment can also deteriorate its mechanical stability instantaneously during service life. Lets suppose if a strong impact damages an off-shore wind turbine blade or an increased pressure creates a leakage in an underground water supply pipe line, then how can we immediately detect the location and type of damage occurred? Usually it will come under investigation during a scheduled inspection or if it maximizes to reveal itself on a bigger scale. Since bigger, reliable and remote structural needs are gaining demands, a real time data acquisition approach towards the remaining strength and detection of damages in structural components is a prime requirement so that structures could inform the observer prior to complete failure or any big losses. When we talk about the composites, there are some multifunctional self sensing and structural components available which are gaining demand for smart applications. Such approaches along with the development of suitable interface can conveniently fulfill the needs of future composite industry.