PyCon 2019 in Cleveland, Ohio

Thursday 1:30 p.m.–4 p.m. in

Mini-sprint: Effective Student Pair Programming

Ariel Ortiz


During this mini-sprint we will conduct three activities that will allow a group of 3–5 people to explore ways on how to use the _pair programming_ agile technique in teaching scenarios where we want our students to collaborate with each other in order to improve their learning experience. These activities are: - **Local pair programming.** (30 min) We work in teams of two people. Each team solves together a programming problem with Python using only one computer. The activity starts with a 3 minute introduction to _pair programming_. - **Remote pair programming.** (30 min) We work again in teams of two people, where each team solves together a programming problem with Python. Each team member uses her/his own computer but both share a remote development environment (using a platform such as [Cloud9 IDE][1]). The activity starts with a 5 minute introduction to using a remote IDE. - **Group discussion.** (30 min) Participants share their views and opinions about the two previous activities and answer questions such as: - Is _pair programming_ suitable for the kind of classes/students I teach? - How should we pair our students? - How long should a _pair programming_ session last? - Under what circumstances should I use local or remote _pair programming_? - How can we measure the effectiveness of using _pair programming_ with our students? At the end the group will produce an electronic report describing the whole experience and results. [1]: