09:00AM |
Getting Rid Devs Big Pain Points - from automating workflow to managing complex dependency trees
Pete Garcin
From Project to Productionized on Heroku
Casey Faist
How to Create a GraphQL endpoint on top of a RESTful API
Richard Moot
Production-scale PyTorch: TorchScript and the PyTorch JIT
Michael Suo, James K Reed
10:30AM |
11:00AM |
Dog Classification using PyTorch, Azure, and Visual Studio Code
Rong Lu
Getting to the Point with Geospatial
Jayson Delancey
Using Machine Learning to Create Proxy Labels for Transaction Data
Tobi Bosede
Friendly/Modern AsyncIO
John Reese
12:30PM |
Lunch Break
01:30PM |
Slack <3 Python: How we develop SDKs and build bots in Python
Rodney Urquhart, Jason Roche
An Introduction to Building Scalable Web Apps with Visual Studio Code and Azure
Nina Zakharenko
Python Performance for Poets
Aron Ahmadia, Gil Forsyth, Steven Lott
Spatial Analysis Meets Data Science
Alberto Nieto, Shairoz Sohail, Shannon Kalisky
03:00PM |
03:30PM |
42 PyCharm Tips and Tricks
Paul Everitt
Google Cloud for Pythonistas
Dustin Ingram
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Python at Google | Tech Talk Series
Wesley J Chun
Python @Scale: An Instagram Story
Anirudh Padmarao, Benjamin Woodruff, Carl Meyer
05:00PM |
05:30PM |
Opening Reception (Expo Hall)
08:30PM |