Ariel Ortiz
Ariel Ortiz is a programming language geek. Since 1994, he’s been a full time faculty member at the Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico, where he has been involved mainly in teaching undergraduate computer science courses. His first encounter with Python was in 2001, and since then he has used it in several of his classes, including: CS1, Data Structures, Web Development, Programming Languages, and Compiler Design. He’s an active member of ACM’s special interest group on computer science education (SIGCSE) and the main author of EduPython, a popular blog site in Spanish that promotes the use of Python in education.
Design Patterns in Python for the Untrained Eye
Wednesday 1:20 p.m.–4:40 p.m. in Room 21
The Perils of Inheritance: Why We Should Prefer Composition
Saturday 4:30 p.m.–5 p.m. in Grand Ballroom B
Mini-sprint: Effective Student Pair Programming
Thursday 1:30 p.m.–4 p.m. in