PyCon 2019 in Cleveland, Ohio

Estimated Sponsor Costs

Below is a breakdown of possible charges a sponsor may see if they ship swag bag inserts and/or have a booth. Please note that these are 2018 prices and that 2019 prices may be different. We will update these prices with current fees once they are negotiated.

  • Power: 5 amp/500 watt outlet included

  • Aisle carpet is included. See below for estimated costs for booth carpet.

  • Shipping: Sponsors are responsible for shipping charges to and from the conference. Costs depend on carrier and location. Please use GES's online form to request a quote for domestic or international shipping logistics. This will give you a good idea regarding all the costs that are included in shipping to the advance warehouse and/or direct to the convention center.

  • Material Handling: If you choose to ship your items to the advanced warehouse or directly to the convention center, a handling fee will be applied. Handling charges to receive small packages start at $25.25. Handling charges for crated material (on a skid or pallet) start at $98.50 per 100 lbs. It is more economical to ship this way, rather than ship individual boxes.

  • [Optional] Material storage for extra items that you will need to bring out (t-shirts or other giveaways) that you don't have room for in your booth. Storage is $140.00 per piece. GES considers a "piece" to be 4’x4’, so it could be a pallet. If access is required, there would also be a labor fee, each time the storage is accessed. Please request a quote from GES.

  • Wifi: standard conference wifi is included - Up to 2Mbps for 1 device.

    • [Optional] Your own wifi network: Prices range from a "run of show" (all three days) of $880 to $2,640, depending on the number of devices and Mbps (early bird pricing).
  • [Optional] Carpet: We recommend having a carpet and pad in your booth. It looks great and provides a comfortable surface for your staff and attendees to stand on. Package pricing for pre-cut carpet and pad start at (early bird pricing deadline April 11) $376 for a 10x10 booth and $744 for a 10 x 20 booth.

  • [Optional] Booth cleaning: Vacuuming a 10x10 booth is $45/day; 10x20 is $90/day; 20x20 is $180/day; 20x30 is $270 (early bird pricing for all days - deadline April 11). You can also bring your own vacuum and do it yourself.