Sponsor Information
Sponsor Logistical Information
If you have any questions on your sponsorship package or on the info provided below, please email us at [pycon-sponsors@python.org](mailto:pycon-sponsors@python.org). Follow <a href="https://twitter.com/pycon" target="_blank">@pycon</a> on Twitter for deadline reminders.
* <a href="/2019/sponsors/information#Overview">Quick Overview of the PyCon 2019 Conference</a>
* <a href="/2019/sponsors/information#Vendors">Quick Vendor Guide</a>
* <a href="/2019/sponsors/information#Sponsor_Kit/Manual">GES Sponsor Kit/Manual</a>
* <a href="/2019/sponsors/information#Registration">Sponsor Registration and Housing</a>
* <a href="/2019/sponsors/information#Lead_Retrieval">Lead Retrieval</a>
* <a href="/2019/sponsors/information#Internet">PyCon Internet</a>
* <a href="/2019/sponsors/information#Shipping">Shipping to PyCon</a>
* <a href="/2019/sponsors/information#Labor_Services">Labor Services</a>
* <a href="/2019/sponsors/information#Carpet_and_Padding">Carpet and Padding</a>
* <a href="/2019/sponsors/information#Swag">Swag Bag Information</a>
* <a href="/2019/sponsors/information#Exhibition">Exhibition Floor Information</a>
* <a href="/2019/sponsors/information#JobFair">Job Fair Information</a>
* <a href="/2019/sponsors/information#Auction">PyLadies Auction</a>
* <a href="/2019/sponsors/information#Accessible_Storage">Accessible Storage</a>
<a id="Overview"></a>
### Quick Overview of the PyCon 2019 Conference
<table cellpadding="7" border="1">
<th align="center">Wednesday<br>May 1</st>
<th align="center">Thursday<br>May 2</nd>
<th align="center">Friday<br>May 3</rd>
<th align="center">Saturday<br>May 4</th>
<th align="center">Sunday<br>May 5</th>
<th align="center">Monday - Thursday<br>May 6 - 9</th>
<td align="center">
<td align="center">
Sponsor Workshops
Opening Reception
<td align="center">
Exhibit Hall
Evening Dinner*
<td align="center">
Exhibit Hall
PyLadies Auction*
<td align="center">
5k Charity Fun Run*
Job Fair
Poster Sessions
Evening Dinner*
<td align="center">Sprints</td>
* Denotes extra cost registration option
<a id="Vendors"></a>
### Quick Vendor Guide
* Booth Customization: if you need to order items for your booth, you can fill out the forms GES provided. Signs can be requested up to April 22nd. If banners are being ordered, they need to be requested no later than April 19th.
* Booth Labor, page 59 – https://ordering.ges.com/071600955/fullesm_annualconference
* Shipping Info, page 43 – https://ordering.ges.com/071600955/fullesm_annualconference
* Cleaning Services, page 14 – Huntington Convention Center Exhibitor Ordering Guide – http://tinyurl.com/yykt7e9y
* Carpet and Padding, page 12-14 – https://ordering.ges.com/071600955/fullesm_annualconference
* Lead Retrieval - Order online at: http://tinyurl.com/y4er878d.
* Power – Edlen Electrical Exhibition Services - http://tinyurl.com/yxuf7dmq
* Internet, page 16 – Huntington Convention Center Exhibitor Ordering Guide: https://bit.ly/2SC4hy0
* Food & Drink Catering, page 20 - Huntington Convention Center Exhibitor Ordering Guide - https://bit.ly/2SC4hy0
* Audio Visual Order Form – FMAV Official Vendor - http://tinyurl.com/y4zr72ym
* Job Fair Order Form – https://ordering.ges.com/071600955/fullesm_jobfair
<a id="Sponsor_Kit/Manual"></a>
### GES Sponsor Manual/Kit
The exhibit floor information from GES can be found here: https://ordering.ges.com/071600955/fullesm_annualconference
<a id="Registration"></a>
### Sponsor Registration and Housing
Registration promo codes will be issued to sponsor contacts. For those that have not yet booked hotel rooms or did not receive their promo codes, please contact our housing bureau for assistance: Pycon2019 <pycon2019@cteusa.com>, +1-847-957-4254.
<a id="Lead Retrieval"></a>
### Sponsor Lead Retrieval
Lead retrieval is provided by CTE. Early bird pricing deadline is April 12, 2019. Order online at: www.cteusa.com/LG/pycon12</a>.
<a id="Internet"></a>
### PyCon Internet
We as a conference provide wifi in all of the conference space including the expo. You are welcome to use this wifi at no additional cost, but it is shared with all of the attendees. If you wish to order your own dedicated Internet, please see page 16 on the Huntington Convention Center Exhibitor Ordering Guide - https://bit.ly/2SC4hy0.
<a id="Shipping"></a>
### Shipping to PyCon
We prefer that all shipments are sent to the advanced warehouse instead of the Huntington Convention Center. Please use the RUSH! ADVANCE SHIPMENT labels (the <font color="green">**green shipping labels**</font> in the exhibitor kit). This helps us ensure that we receive your material in time and that it does not get lost/misplaced. The advanced warehouse is open to receive PyCon packages from March 29, 2019 - April 29, 2019, Monday - Friday from 7:30am to 3:30pm.
Deadline to receive material for PyCon is April 26, 2019
<span class="label label-important">Note:</span>Shipments to the GES warehouse will incur a shipping charge
The shipping address for the advanced warehouse is:
<div align="center">
c/o GES<br>
PyCon Annual Conference<br>
(Your Company Name & Booth Number)<br>
4735 W 150th St<br>
Cleveland, OH 44135<br>
If you need to ship directly to the show, please use the RUSH! DIRECT SHIPMENT labels (the <font color="gold">**gold shipping labels**</font> in the exhibitor kit) and the following shipping address. **Shipments can only arrive on May 2, 2019, between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM.**
<div align="center">
c/o GES<br>
PyCon Annual Conference<br>
(Your Company Name & Booth Number)<br>
Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland<br>
1139 West 3rd Street<br>
Cleveland, OH 44113-1019<br>
<a id="Swag"></a>
### Swag Bag Inserts
It’s important that bag inserts be sent with the specific label of SWAG BAG ITEMS (the <font color="blue">**light blue advance shipping labels**</font> in the exhibitor kit) so that they arrive in time for stuffing. Please send 3100 inserts. When picking your swag bag item, please keep in mind that most people will have to pack the item into their suitcase/backpack for traveling.
Deadline to receive shipments at the advanced warehouse: April 26, 2019
<span class="label label-important">Note:</span>Shipments to the GES warehouse will incur a shipping charge
<a id="Exhibition"></a>
### Exhibition Floor
The Exhibit Hall will be located in Exhibit Hall B & C in the Huntington Convention Center. The Exhibit Hall will be located near Registration and in close proximity to all the sessions. Keep in mind that the expo floor opens for the Opening Reception at 5:30 pm Thursday, May 2, 2019. Please have your booth ready and staffed for the event.
The expo floor with booths continues until 5:00 pm Saturday, May 4, 2019. Please use the appropriate shipping labels for your EXHIBITION FREIGHT (the <font color="green">**green shipping labels**</font> in this sponsor manual). We kindly ask that you do not pack bag inserts with your exhibition freight since we stuff bags before you get to your booth for setup. The best way to avoid us not receiving your things in time is to ship each item separately with the appropriate shipping label.
Deadline to receive shipments at the advanced warehouse: April 26, 2019
<span class="label label-important">Note:</span>Shipments to the GES warehouse will incur a shipping charge
<span class="label label-important">Note:</span> Beverages and lunch will be available in the “Sponsor Lounge” in the expo hall Please prepare to have your booths staffed from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm. It is mandatory that your booth is staffed for the "active times" (see below).
Move-in for the Exhibit Hall begins on Thursday, May 2, 2019, at 8:00 am until 6:00 pm. There is an opening reception on the Exhibit Floor at 5:30 pm on Thursday, May 2.
### Exhibition Floor Times
The exhibit hall is open from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm May 2 - May 4, but the busy times are listed below. The busy times are when we prefer booths to be staffed. Please do not tear down your booth prior to 4:30 PM on Saturday, May 4. It is disrespectful to attendees and to the other sponsors who have committed to staying until the end of the day.
<b>Thursday, May 2, 2019</b>
- 5:30pm to 7:30pm (Opening Reception)
<b>Friday, May 3, 2019</b>
- 8:00am to 9:30am (Breakfast)
- 10:10am to 10:50am (AM Break)
- 12:40pm – 1:55pm (Lunch)
- 3:45pm – 4:30pm (PM Break)
<b>Saturday, May 3, 2019</b>
- 8:00am to 9:30am (Breakfast)
- 10:20am to 10:50am (AM Break)
- 12:40pm – 1:55pm (Lunch)
- 3:45pm – 4:30pm (PM Break)
Move-out for the Exhibit hall booths begins at 5:00 pm Saturday, May 4, 2019. Everything needs to be cleared out by 7:00 pm. At this point, we transform the Expo Hall into the Job Fair (details for the job fair below).
<span class="label label-important">NOTE:</span> **You have an option to opt-out of the Booth Space in the Exhibit Hall. However, if you do not opt-out before the start of the conference and leave your booth empty, a fee will be applied to your sponsorship. This can be arranged with our Event Coordinator, Betsy Waliszewski (betsy@python.org).**
<a id="JobFair"></a>
### Job Fair
<span class="label label-important">NOTE:</span> **Participating sponsors will have a six-foot table and chairs set aside for them; we do not use booths during the Job Fair.** You are welcome to have a standing banner or customized tablecloth. Giveaways/flyers are also welcome. Standard power will be provided.
It’s important that job fair boxes be sent with the specific label of JOB FAIR Shipping Label (the <font color="orange">**orange advance shipping labels**</font> in the exhibitor kit) so that they can be delivered right to your table.
The job fair is open to the public. Tickets are available online.
The Job Fair will take place on Sunday, May 5, 2019, in Expo Hall B & C at the Huntington Convention Center. The event is from 10:00am until 1:00pm. Morning refreshments and lunch will be served during the event.
Set up for the Job Fair begins at 8:00 am on May 5, 2019, in Expo Hall B & C. If you have anything shipped for your Job Fair table that is clearly marked, the boxes will be placed underneath your job fair table.
<a id="Auction"></a>
### PyCon Auction
If your organization will be donating items for the PyCon Auction, the items should be received by the staff no later than Thursday, May 2, 2019. The event will take place on Saturday, May 4, 2019. The items can be brought to the **Staff Office at the Huntington Convention Center, Room 11**. You can also ship them to us (use the <font color="green">**green advance shipment labels**</font> in the exhibitor kit). Be sure to mark the boxes AUCTION:
PyCon Staff - Auction
Cleveland, OH USA
Deadline to receive shipments at the advanced warehouse: April 26, 2019
<span class="label label-important">Note:</span>Shipments to the GES warehouse will incur a shipping charge
[Email us](mailto:pycon-sponsors@python.org) if you have any questions or if you wish to ship your donation to us. All auction proceeds go to <a href="http://www.pyladies.com/" target="_blank">PyLadies</a>.
<a id="Accessible Storage"></a>
### Accessible Storage
Onsite storage is $83.50 per skid to store. To access the stored items there is a labor fee that is usually a ½ hour. Labor does need to be with the exhibitor when they access so that the trailer can be opened. If there are only a few items to be removed the exhibitor may carry themselves. If boxes need to be moved to the booth area then the labor would need to deliver. Contact GES to arrange this: 425-873-3117.
<a id=“Conference Advertisement”></a>
### Conference Advertisement
Keystone, Diamond and Platinum sponsors can submit a high-resolution advertisement for us to display in between sessions on the screens. Please keep in mind our code of conduct when creating these ads.
Due April 3, 2019