Session Staff
We need volunteers to support each session and keep them on track. The duties are simple but vital to the success of the conference. As session staff, you’ll help make sure everyone is in the right place at the right time, keep an eye on the clock, give the audience a voice, and get a front row seat.
There are two session staff roles: **Session Chairs** and **Session Runners**. Each needs to be present for the full session. A session is the group of talks in between breaks (usually 2-3 talks).
### Orientation Meeting
There is a speaker and volunteer orientation on the evening of Thursday April 10th between 7:00pm and 7:30pm in room 514C. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please plan to be in the Green Room (room 448) *at least* 30 minutes before your session starts.
### Session Chairs
As a session Session Chairs, your job is to take charge of the session. You start by getting on stage to introduce the speaker (keeping it simple — their name, where they are from, and the talk title). During the talk, you watch the clock and let the speaker know when it’s time to stop for questions. You help to mediate the question session, then let the speaker know when it’s time to wrap it all up. After that, help the speaker disconnect the microphone equipment and make any last announcements (open spaces, BoF, etc).
### Session Runners
As a Session Runner, you are the shepherd in the room. Your job starts in the Green Room fifteen minutes before each talk, where you'll meet the speaker and help them get ready by testing their laptop, briefing them on what to expect, and uploading their slides. Five minutes before talk, you'll lead the speaker to their session room and help them get their laptop setup. Assuming everything goes according to plan, you'll hand the speaker off to the chair, then your job is done until 15 minutes before the next talk.
### Sign Up!
Want to help? Once you've registered for the conference, please [check that your local contact info is correct][volunteer_reg] - it will help organizers find you when they need you!
Next, view the [Conference Schedule](/2014/schedule/talks/) and sign up for an open time slot by clicking the **S** in one of the talk slots for the session.

### Confirming your Sign-ups
View the [Sessions Schedule](/2014/schedule/sessions/) to confirm talks you are staffing / tracks which need staff.
[volunteer_reg]: /2014/profile/edit/