
Sheila Miguez, Jennifer Seiler

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ResearchCompendia is a project to allow scientists to create a digital research ''compendium''. A Research Compendium as introduced by Gentleman and Temple Lang is a digital scholarly object comprising all relevant narrative, code, and data required to present and disseminate published research including computational methods as truly reproducible science. Now that much of data and analysis is generated computationally, it is natural to expect that code and parameters also be shared along with experimental methods and data. So here we provide the tools to easily create such a compendium by allowing you to easily and elegantly link your publications to your data, codes, detailed computational methods information and parameters, and any further materials necessary to allow other researchers to reproduce your computational procedures.


We present an open-source platform designed to connect research codes with published scientific results, called ResearchCompendia. Inspired by a 2004 article by Gentleman and Temple Lang, the goal is to associate executable code with data and findings in a stable accessible way to both enable the verification of published results and the reuse of data and code. With an ever greater share of scientific publications using computations to support their conclusions, open and verifiable code is an imperative. ResearchCompendia provides the tools to create a persistent digital scholarly object comprising all relevant narrative, code, and data required to disseminate computational research as truly reproducible science. - - Gentleman, Robert, and Duncan Temple Lang. 2007. "Statistical Analyses and Reproducible Research." Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 16 (1): 1–23. doi:10.1198/106186007X178663.