Wednesday 9 a.m.–12:20 p.m.

Dynamics and Control with Python

Jason Moore, Tarun Gaba

Audience level:


In this tutorial we will first learn how to solve, simulate, and visualize multibody dynamics problems with Python. These methods and techniques play an important role in the design of robots, vehicles, spacecraft, manufacturing machines, etc.


In this tutorial we will first learn how to solve, simulate, and visualize multibody dynamics problems with Python. These methods and techniques play an important role in the design of robots, vehicles, spacecraft, manufacturing machines, etc. In particular, we will highlight the derivation of realistic models of motion with SymPy Mechanics. We will walk through the derivation of the equations of motion of a multibody system (i.e. the model or the plant), simulating and visualizing the free motion of the system, and finally we will add simple feedback controllers to control the plants that we derive. We will start with some simple college level physics problems such as the pendulum and mass spring damper and close with a more complex three dimensional problem, such as the control of a robotic arm. It is best if the attendees have some background with calculus-based college level physics. They should also be familiar with the SciPy Stack, in particular IPython, SymPy, and SciPy. Our goal is that attendees will come away with the ability to model basic multibody systems, simulate and visualize the motion, and apply simple feedback controllers all in a Python framework. **Attendees will be expected to have fully read the README and installed all software before coming to the tutorial. More information can be found in the following repository**: [](

Student Handout

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