Thursday 9 a.m.–12:20 p.m.

Flask by Example

Miguel Grinberg

Audience level:
Web Frameworks


Flask is a web framework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions. It is considered a micro-framework, but don't get the "micro" part fool you; Flask can do everything others can do, many times in a simpler, leaner way. In this tutorial session you will follow me as I write a complete web application in front of your eyes using the core framework and a handful of extensions.


Flask is a small and easy to use, yet fully featured open source web framework written in Python. Its code is concise and well written, you can read it all and understand it. In this session you will learn the Flask way by watching me build a complete application in front of your eyes. Some of the topics included in this tutorial are: - Single-file applications - Multi-file structure for larger applications - Templates - Web forms - Databases - User Authentication - Administration Panel - Social features (followers, timeline pages) - Ajax and RESTful APIs - Deployment options In addition to the Flask core modules (Flask itself, Jinja 2 template engine, Werkzeug) you will learn how to use a number of Flask extensions such as: - Flask-WTF for web form handling - Flask-SQLAlchemy for database management - Flask-Login for user authentication - Flask-Bootstrap for CSS styling - Flask-RESTful for APIs

Student Handout

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