So you want to learn Python. What's next?

Marta Maria Casetti

Audience level:


If you want to learn something new, the first (and sometimes hardest) step is to know what there is to learn and where you can find it. The aim of this poster is to explore and organise some (mostly) free online resources that can help you reach a lower-intermediate level of Python starting from little more than scratch.


**The path** The poster will plot a map of different intersecting paths that can be explored: from an "enhanced" review of the basic topics, the student can move on to pip and virtualenv, testing, generators and iterators, reading, writing and handling files, interacting with xml and html, and have a sneak peek at regular expressions. Finally, there will be a (rather incomplete) list of some resources that can be used to learn further specific skills, like working with a specific library or API. **Comparing different learning techniques and material** Different people have different approaches to learning: there is not a "right" or "wrong" way to tackle the problems. At one extreme of the spectrum there is the "first the theory, then all the exercises" technique; at the other extreme there is the "try to play with the code and break it down on your own, and keep a quick look into a reference book as the last resort." But don't worry: there's a resource for each one of you out there! (Some flexibility is required and eventually helpful.) **Tips and tricks (disclaimer: often subjective)** Flexibility is always necessary, as long as it does not degenerate into indecision. Peeking forward and reviewing backwards can be a good idea. Do not underestimate the importance of exercises, but do not rely on hands-on hacking only. Also, writing a tutorial is a good way to organise your thoughts and to try your knowledge of the subject: share the joy of Python!