Sponsor Tutorials Schedule

PyCon US 2014 is proud to work with our amazing sponsors to bring to you a bevy of free to attend, 1.5 hour workshops/tutorials during the PyCon tutorial days - April 9th and 10th. While Signup is not required it is encouraged so that we can get counts for snacks, food, and attendance. We would love to have you attend these - again they are free to attend, and are provided free of charge by our amazing sponsors. Lunch and snacks will be provided and all sponsors have put a ton of work into these workshops! Signup via the EventBrite system: [http://pycon-2014-workshops.eventbrite.com/](http://pycon-2014-workshops.eventbrite.com/ "") **Note: These workshops/tutorials are not the same as the regular PyCon tutorials found here: [https://us.pycon.org/2014/schedule/tutorials/](https://us.pycon.org/2014/schedule/tutorials/ "")**

April 9, 2014

  Sponsor Tutorials - Room 514C
09:00AM Containers, PaaS, and Python: Revolutionizing Cloud Application Development (ActiveState) John Wetherill
10:30AM Break
12:30PM Break
01:30PM Building Applications on Riak (Basho) Tom Santero
03:00PM Break
03:30PM Heroku 101 (Heroku) Jacob Kaplan-Moss
05:00PM Break

April 10, 2014

  Sponsor Tutorials - Room 514C
09:00AM Building and Deploying Apps in the Rackspace Cloud (Rackspace) Jesse Noller
10:30AM Break
12:30PM Break
01:30PM Advanced Django Patterns from Eventbrite and Lanyrd (Eventbrite) Andrew Godwin
03:00PM Break
03:30PM How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Python at Google… (Google) wesley chun
05:00PM Break
05:15PM Measure all the things (New Relic) Graham Dumpleton
Register here: [http://pycon-2014-workshops.eventbrite.com/](http://pycon-2014-workshops.eventbrite.com/ "")