Miguel Grinberg

Miguel Grinberg

Miguel Grinberg is a Senior Staff Software Engineer at Harmonic, Inc., where he leads a team of engineers that produce video software for the broadcast industry. He has a blog at http://blog.miguelgrinberg.com, where he writes about a variety of topics including web development, Python, robotics, photography and the occasional movie review. Miguel is the author of the epic 18-part Flask Mega-Tutorial series and the O'Reilly book "Flask Web Development", coming to bookstores in May 2014. He lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife, four kids, two dogs and cat. Follow @miguelgrinberg on Twitter.


Flask by Example

Thursday 9 a.m.–12:20 p.m. in Room 50 Viger (Westin Hotel)

Writing RESTful web services with Flask

Saturday 1:40 p.m.–2:25 p.m. in Room 517C