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Development Sprints
**Monday, May 22nd 2017 – Thursday, May 25th 2017**
The 2017 PyCon Development Sprints are sponsored by Kiwi.com.
<div align="center" id="sponsor_logos">
<a href="https://www.kiwi.com/us/">
<img src="https://us.pycon.org/2017/site_media/media/sponsor_files/Kiwicom.png" alt="https://www.kiwi.com/us/" width="300" height="150"></a>
We are very grateful for their sponsorships so we can supply our attendees with food and beverages!
Food & Beverage Schedule for the Sprints:
* Monday May 22
- MORNING COFFEE 9AM - By the B rooms on lower level
- LUNCH 1PM - Oregon Ballroom
* Tuesday May 23
- MORNING COFFEE 9AM - By the B rooms on lower level
- LUNCH 1PM - Oregon Ballroom 201-202
* Wednesday May 24
- LUNCH 12:30PM - Oregon Ballroom 201-202
* Thursday May 25
- LUNCH 12:30PM - Oregon Ballroom 201-202
Development sprints are a key part of PyCon, and a chance for the contributors to open-source projects to get together face-to-face for up to four days of intensive learning, development and camaraderie. Newbies sit with gurus, go out for lunch and dinner together, and have a great time while advancing their project.
- <a href="http://pycon.blogspot.com/2016/03/why-not-join-sprints-this-year-at-pycon.html">
Why not join the sprints this year at PyCon?</a> by <a href="https://twitter.com/NaomiCeder">Naomi Ceder</a>
What's a sprint?
<div style="float: left; margin: 15px">
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOtKgFaFcz0"><img src="https://us.pycon.org/2015/site_media/media/images/2015/03/30/pycon-sprint-video-link.png" alt="Come for PyCon, stay for the sprints!" width="200"/></a>
PyCon Development Sprints are four days of intensive learning and development on an open source project of your choice, in a team environment. It's a time to come together with colleagues, old and new, to share what you've learned and apply it to an open source project.
In the crucible of a sprint room, teaming with both focus and humor, it's a time to test, fix bugs, add new features, and improve documentation. And it's a time to network, make friends, and build relationships that go beyond the conference.
PyCon provides the space and infrastructure (network, power, tables & chairs); you bring your skills, humanity, and brainpower (oh! and don't forget your computer).
For those that never attended a dev sprint before or want to brush up on basics, come to our our Introduction to Sprints workshop:
* SUNDAY (May 21; 5pm to 7pm; Room C123+C124), we will provide ~ two hours of lecture, demo and plenty of hands-on exercises covering installing software (git and conda), creating and using virtual environments, using github, using git, issuing pull requests, etc.
* MONDAY (May 22; 8am to 10am; Room C123+C124), we will work with attendees for ~ 1.5 to 2 hours on a practice project designed specifically to ease attendees into the process of contributing to a community project so they can practice their newly acquired skills in a relaxed environment with plenty of hands-on exercises and patient mentoring and coaching.
For those that want to sign up to mentor beginners at the Sprints, [you can sign here.](https://goo.gl/forms/Unv688TUmkv2wjLr1)
Who can participate?
**You!** All experience levels are welcome; sprints are a great opportunity to get connected with, and start contributing to your favorite Python project. Participation in the sprints is free!
Who can run a sprint?
**You!** If you've never run a sprint before, take a look at our [Sprint Preparation Tips](https://us.pycon.org/2017/community/sprints/sprintprep/). If you want more detail, the [In-Person Event Handbook](http://opensource-events.com/) is an excellent guide.
Please edit this page and add your project according to the instructions below.
What's the schedule?
Sprints run all day from Monday, May 22nd to Thursday, May 25.
<a id="SprintRooms"></a>
Where will the sprints be?
The Sprints will take place in the Oregon Convention Center. Each Sprinting project will claim its own room or if the room is large enough, it will share the space with other Sprinting Project. Here is a list of all of the rooms we will be using during the 4 days:
- B110-111, B112, B113, B114, B115, B116, B117, B118, B119, A109, A107+108, A105, A106
Which projects are sprinting?
If you are interested in leading a sprint, **please add your project here:**
**1.** Please **edit this page** and add a brief description of your project to the list below (the edit button is at the top of the page). Include links to what you'll be sprinting on.
**2.** Please also **[fill out this form][1]** to let us know if you want to be newcomer friendly.
- [Example Project](http://example.org/) Example Project Description for Example Project. We intend to have a lot of fun, make new friends and build momentum for the project. :-)
- <img src="https://certbot.eff.org/images/certbot-logo-1A.svg" width="290" height="290" />
- [Certbot](https://github.com/certbot/certbot) is a client for the Let's Encrypt Certificate Authority. Certbot runs on your webserver and helps you get and install certificates to make your website HTTPS. It's written entirely in python and is a great way to become more familiar with encryption or server software protocols. See a list of good volunteer tasks [here](https://github.com/certbot/certbot/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Good+Volunteer+Task%22).
- ![SaltStack][5]
- [SaltStack](https://github.com/saltstack/salt) is software to automate the management nearly of any kind of computing device at scale. _**NOTE:**_ We will only be sprinting on Monday, the 22nd of May. Please come on that day if you'd like to join the SaltStack sprint, core engineer [Erik Johnson][6] will be present between 9:30am and 5pm.
- ![Gensim][7]
[Gensim](https://github.com/RaRe-Technologies/gensim) is a popular Natural Language Processing library using Machine Learning techniques like LDA Topic Modelling and word2vec. We invite people wishing to learn about these techniques to come and run/debug our tutorials, documentation and tests together with more experienced package developers over the 4 days. We also happy to work over larger features.
- [Pandas](http://pandas.pydata.org/) is an open source, BSD-licensed library providing high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools for the Python programming language.
All contributions, bug reports, bug fixes, documentation improvements, enhancements and ideas are welcome. Or maybe through using pandas you have an idea of your own or are looking for something in the documentation and thinking ‘this can be improved’...you can do something about it! Come on by and help us make pandas better than ever!
- ![Pylons Project][4]
The [Pylons Project](http://pylonsproject.org/) develops a collection of related web application technologies in Python, including the [Pyramid](https://trypyramid.com/) web framework, [WebOb](http://webob.org/), [Deform](http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/deform/en/latest/), [Colander](http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/colander/en/latest/), and [Waitress](http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/waitress/en/latest/). Come sprint with us. Newcomers are welcome.
- [Slackly](https://github.com/huntcsg/slackly) is a Python SDK for writing python against the Slack API. It supports the Web API and the Real Time Messaging API. It's got code generated from the API docs. It's got autocompletion and documentation on all Web API methods. It's got all event types, with example documentation. It needs: 1) Help with API design for a more advanced ORM-like layer, 2) Help with integration test strategies, 3) Users and use-cases. Newcomers Welcome!
- [Transmute](http://transmute-core.readthedocs.io/) is a series of MIT-licensed open source projects around extracting python function signatures and automatically generating documented, schema validating APIs. We are happy to answer questions, and are looking for people who want to flesh out transmute implementations for web frameworks ([Flask](http://flask-transmute.readthedocs.io/en/latest/), [aiohttp](http://aiohttp-transmute.readthedocs.io/en/latest/), and [tornado](https://github.com/toumorokoshi/tornado-transmute)). Supporting your framework is easy as well! (It's only [100 lines of code to do](http://transmute-core.readthedocs.io/en/latest/creating_a_framework.html)). We are also looking at adding support for [marshmallow](https://marshmallow.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) to define schemas.
- [Zulip](https://www.zulip.org) is a powerful, beautiful open source group alternative to Slack, built using Python and Django and optimized for productivity. We are one of the fastest growing and most welcoming large open source applications for new contributors, with a friendly community of hundreds of people from around the world and more commits merged every week than Docker and Django combined.
We have tons of [sprint projects](https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/Zulip-PyCon-Sprint-projects-PQawfcXSGqmvyg9DgXBly) planned, including new features, bots, documentation, our API, our 100% test coverage goal, Slack data import, our React Native mobile apps, etc. We're super organized and can help you find a project appropriate for your skills where you'll be proud of what you accomplished during the sprints.
If you're looking to spend your sprint making an impact on a large open source project with a really nice development environment, we're a super friendly community and have cloud VMs for the sprints which mean you can get started coding in minutes.
Last year, we did most of the work to make Zulip [the largest open source project that's 100% mypy annotated](https://blog.zulip.org/2016/10/13/static-types-in-python-oh-mypy/), which was awesome, since we arrived with just 3 Zulip contributors at PyCon; we left with more than 25! This year, we have more than 25 Zulip experts here for all 4 days of the sprints. Join us, and together we can make this the largest and most productive PyCon sprint ever!
-  [BeeWare](http://pybee.org/) is a collection of projects that can be used to help develop, debug and launch Python software. Each tool follows the Unix philosophy of doing one thing well. Unlike a traditional IDE, each tool is self contained and can be used on its own. During the sprints, we will be paying particular attention to [VOC](http://pybee.org/voc/) (a transpiler to convert Python bytecode so it can run on the JVM and Android), [Batavia](http://pybee.org/batavia/) (a transpiler that lets Python run in a browser) and [Toga](http://pybee.org/toga/) (a cross-platform, platform native widget toolkit, including support for mobile devices).
We have a number of tasks that are very well suited to first time contributors, and we have an open offer to mentor anyone that wants to get involved in Open Source development. In addition, anyone contributing to a BeeWare project will receive [a BeeWare Challenge Coin](http://pybee.org/contributing/challenge-coins/)!
- [](http://flask.pocoo.org)
Flask is a micro web framework for building APIs and websites big and small, part of the [Pallets Projects](https://palletsprojects.com/). It powers applications across the world, and is open source and BSD licensed. Flask and the other Pallets libraries have seen plenty of activity and new releases in the past year, and we hope to keep pushing towards a 1.0 release. There are tasks for people of all skill levels, including expanding test coverage and improving documentation and tutorials. We welcome all contributions! **Look for our open spaces during the conference that can help you get ready to contribute ahead of time.**
- [<img src="https://mycroft.ai/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Footer_logo.png" alt="Mycroft AI" height="70" width="160">](https://mycroft.ai/)
[Mycroft AI](https://mycroft.ai/) is the Open Source Voice Assistant. Written in Python, you can run Mycroft on any Linux machine including a Raspberry Pi! Add voice to a project you've been working on or build your own custom voice interface device. New Developers can easily add Skills to fetch from Web APIs, interact with IoT devices, or add voice to a newly hacked device. Seasoned developers can help us with the ML stack, fix bugs, packaging, or add new core features.**Check out our [Community Forums](https://community.mycroft.ai/) and [Documentation](https://docs.mycroft.ai/) to get started early!**
- [<img src="https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/chrome/common/trac_banner.png" style="background-color: black" alt="Twisted" height="70">](https://twistedmatrix.com)
Twisted is the largest and most mature asynchronous networking framework in Python. We'll be sprinting on various initiatives, such as the separation of Twisted into components on PyPI, further Python 3 porting, and development of Twisted-using libraries like Klein or Treq. Join us for tea-and-coffee-fuelled networking cha^H^H^H fun!
- [Invoke](http://pyinvoke.org), one of Python's finest CLI toolkits & subprocess replacements, is ramping up to its 1.0 release with tons of new features. [Paramiko](http://paramiko.org), the leading Python SSH implementation, also has a bunch of features & quality of life improvements lined up. And tying them together, [Fabric](http://fabfile.org) - your one stop project management & deploy tool - is preparing to put out its long-awaited 2.0! Come help!
- At the same table, because the maintainer has far too many projects, will be work on the fledgling pytest plugin [pytest-relaxed](https://github.com/bitprophet/pytest-relaxed) (a replacement for the existing nose-based tool [Spec](https://github.com/bitprophet/spec)), and the default Sphinx doc theme, [Alabaster](http://alabaster.readthedocs.io/).
- [Bugbuzz](https://github.com/fangpenlin/bugbuzz-python)
Bugbuzz is an open source web-based debugger for Python. See a short demo screencast:
<img src="https://github.com/fangpenlin/bugbuzz-python/raw/master/screencast.gif?raw=true" />
It's 2017 already, are you tired of using command line based debugging tool like playing text-based adventure game like 30 years ago? Bugbuzz could be the solution! It's still a prototype for now, but I would like to meet some people interested in improving debugging experience for Python developers, and see if we can spend some time together to make it more useful :)
- [Debugger library project](https://github.com/fangpenlin/bugbuzz-python)
- [API server project](https://github.com/fangpenlin/bugbuzz-api)
- [Ember web app project (considering rewrite with React)](https://github.com/fangpenlin/bugbuzz-dashboard)
- [<img src="http://list.org/images/logo2010-2.jpg" style="background-color: black" alt="Twisted" height="80">](https://list.org)
[GNU Mailman](https://list.org) is free software for managing electronic mail discussion and e-newsletter lists. Mailman is integrated with the web, making it easy for users to manage their accounts and for list owners to administer their lists. Mailman supports built-in archiving, automatic bounce processing, content filtering, digest delivery, spam filters, and more. We're preparing for our 3.1 release and are particularly interested in hearing from people who deploy Mailman and have Opinons, as well as Python developers who are willing to help us quash those last few bugs and hash out planned features. [Get started here](https://wiki.list.org/DEV/Home) and [check out links to issues and repos here](http://list.org/devs.html)
- <img src="https://api.coala.io/en/latest/_static/images/coala_logo.svg" width="50" height="50" />
[coala](https://coala.io): linting and fixing code for all languages
coala provides a unified interface for linting and fixing code with a single configuration file, regardless of the programming languages used. You can use coala from within your favorite editor, integrate it with your CI, get the results as JSON, or customize it to your needs with its flexible configuration syntax.
We've put a lot of effort into making contributing to the coala project easy and rewarding for newcomers. No matter what your interests are, we will surely find something fun for you to do; be it code optimization, feature development, documentation, usability design, or whatever else.
- [PyDAP](https://github.com/pydap/pydap) is a Python library implementing the Data Access Protocol, also known as DODS or OPeNDAP. You can use Pydap as a client to access hundreds of scientific datasets in a transparent and efficient way through the internet; or as a server to easily distribute your data from a variety of formats.
We'll be trying to incorporate many of the [outstanding pull requests](https://github.com/pydap/pydap/pulls) and address any [open issues](https://github.com/pydap/pydap/issues). All contributions, bug reports, bug fixes, documentation improvements, enhancements and ideas are welcome.
- <img src="http://static1.squarespace.com/static/55fdfa38e4b07a55be8680a4/t/55ff389ae4b0af0b2a73db12/1495213167638" height="50" /> [District Data Labs](http://pycon.districtdatalabs.com/) is hosting sprints for **Yellowbrick**, **Baleen**, **Cultivar**, and **Partisan Discourse**. Experience of any level is welcome! We'll have a wide variety of projects and tasks, so stop by and see what interests you.
- [Read the Docs](https://readthedocs.org) is an open source documentation hosting platform used by the Python community. New contributors are welcome to drop by to address a number of code clean up tasks, translations for documentation and application, and if you are comfortable spinning up a full instance, we have a number of digestible bugs that we can help you work on. We will be sprinting at least the first two days of the sprints.
- ![][9][PyVideo](http://pyvideo.org/) is an index of Python Videos. We always need help pulling in new info. Come help for a bit, maybe just 30min!
- ![][10][PyBay](http://pybay.com) is a Python regional conference in the San Francisco Bay Area and we are developing our community website based on Django and Symposion (the same framework that PyCon uses). We are sprinting in the website's frontend, backend and testing. There are plenty of opportunities to contribute, from small HTML, CSS and visual improvements to creating the speakers, talks and calendar views in django. This is a beginner friendly sprint with a mentor available to you to become a successful open source contributor. Whatever your proficiency level is, we have something for you to work on.
[1]: https://goo.gl/forms/EtctCNhqoT6JiMTy2
[2]: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/introduction-to-open-source-the-pycon-sprints-tickets-22435151141
[3]: https://artisan-production.s3.amazonaws.com/artwork_revisions/342421/original/746915.png?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIRHCXA5ES7K6S5VA&Expires=1464666039&Signature=BeKfQzkCdEarAP94sZ6L%2FPU%2B1Bg%3D
[4]: https://trypyramid.com/img/pylons-project-pyramid-combined-horizontal-logo.png
[5]: https://galaxz.zenoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/saltstack-sponsor-logo.png
[6]: https://github.com/terminalmage
[7]: http://radimrehurek.com/gensim/_static/images/gensim_compact.png
[8]: https://certbot.eff.org/images/certbot-logo-1A.svg
[9]: http://pyvideo.org/theme/images/logo.png
[10]: https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/599/1*tI3QrwI7HeG_W6NJd_xhVQ.png