08:00AM |
08:30AM |
Lightning Talks
09:00AM |
Keynote: Lisa Guo & Hui Ding
09:40AM |
Keynote: Katy Huff
10:20AM |
10:50AM |
Debugging in Python 3.6: Better, Faster, Stronger
Elizaveta Shashkova
It's time for datetime
Mario Corchero
The Memory Chronicles: A Tale of Two Pythons
Kavya Joshi
Automate AWS With Python
Moshe Zadka
The trends in choosing licenses in Python ecosystem
Anwesha Das
11:30AM |
Readability Counts
Trey Hunner
Temporal Data Structures with SQLAlchemy and Postgres
Joseph Leingang
When the abyss gazes back: staring down Python's surprising internals
David Wolever
Awesome Command Line Tools
Amjith Ramanujam
How documentation works, and how to make it work for your project
Daniele Procida
12:10PM |
Static Types for Python
Jukka Lehtosalo, David Fisher
What's new in Python 3.6
Brett Cannon
Modern Python Dictionaries -- A confluence of a dozen great ideas
Raymond Hettinger
Exploring Network Programmability with Python and YANG
Lisa N Roach
Level up! Rethinking the Web API framework.
Tom Christie
12:40PM |
12:55PM |
01:40PM |
Text is More Complicated Than You Think: Comparing and Sorting Unicode
Morgan Wahl
An Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
Jessica Forde
01:55PM |
Know thy self: Methods and method binding
Thomas Ballinger
Magic Method, on the wall, who, now, is the `__fairest__` one of all?
Sep Dehpour
How to write a Python transpiler
Russell Keith-Magee
02:35PM |
Decorators, unwrapped: How do they work?
Katie Silverio
How to make a good library API
Flávio Juvenal
Designing secure APIs with state machines
Ashwini Oruganti, Mark Williams
Human-Machine Collaboration for Improved Analytical Processes
Tony Ojeda
The Fastest FizzBuzz in the West: Make Your Own Language with RPLY and RPython
Dustin Ingram
03:15PM |
The Dictionary Even Mightier
Brandon Rhodes
Library UX: Using abstraction towards friendlier APIs
Mali Akmanalp
Ending Py2/Py3 compatibility in a user friendly manner
Matthias Bussonnier, Min Ragan-Kelley, M Pacer, Thomas Kluyver
Lights, camera, action! Scraping a great dataset to predict Oscar winners
Deborah Hanus
Executing python functions in the linux kernel by transpiling to bpf
Alex Gartrell
03:45PM |
04:00PM |
04:30PM |
No More Sad Pandas: Optimizing Pandas Code for Speed and Efficiency
Sofia Heisler
Yes, It's Time to Learn Regular Expressions
Al Sweigart
Writing a C Python extension in 2017
Jean-Baptiste Aviat
The Python Visualization Landscape
Jake VanderPlas
Slot or not: higher performance custom objects in pure Python
Aaron Hall
05:10PM |
Tracing, Fast and Slow: Digging into and improving your web service’s performance
Lynn Root
Fuzzy Search Algorithms: How and When to Use Them
Jiaqi Liu
Cython as a Game Changer for Efficiency
Alex Orlov
Python for mathematical visualization: a four-dimensional case study
David Dumas
Unicode: what is the big deal?
Łukasz Langa
05:40PM |
Lightning Talks
06:30PM |
PyLadies Charity Auction
09:00PM |