Outside Events
While the extra-curricular activities listed below are not official PyCon events, we wanted to perform the community service of listing them all here in one place, especially since not all PyCon attendees are equally well-connected on social media and might otherwise miss out.
In chronological order:
**PyCon PyCascades Hike**<br>
**Thursday, May 18th**<br>
1pm - Lower Macleay Park or Macleay Park Entrance - https://goo.gl/maps/kLGeqEcuChR2<br>
One of the [PyCascades][1] organizers, Eric Holscher, knows a ton about hiking in the Portland area, and would love to show off a side of Portland visitors don’t often see.<br>
RSVP now (space limited) [https://ti.to/pycascades/pycon-hike/][2]<br>
**SurveyMonkey Happy Hour**<br>
**Friday, May 19 at 5:30 – 6:30pm**<br>
111 SW 5th Avenue, #1600<br>
Portland, OR 97204<br>
→<a href="https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CHALICE">RSVP</a>
Please be sure to check out our friends at the NewRelic + Bugsnag event in our same building on the 27th floor directly after our event at 6:30pm! https://bit.ly/pyconparty17
**Bugsnag & New Relic Afterparty + Game Night**<br>
**Friday, May 19 at 6:30pm**<br>
111 SW 5th Avenue, #1600<br>
Portland, OR 97204<br>
Let's kick back with some lightning talks, awesome games, as well as partake of food and drinks.
This event is in the same building as SurveyMonkey's Happy Hour so come on up after stopping there.
More info: [http://bit.ly/pyconparty17][4]<br>
**Sentry + Linode After Party**<br>
**Friday, May 19 at 6:40 -- 8:40pm**<br>
Spirit of 77<br>
500 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, at the corner of NE Lloyd<br>
Portland, OR<br>
More info: [https://blog.sentry.io/2017/05/16/pyconafterparty.html][3]<br>
**Note** — None of these events have official sanction from the Python Software Foundation! The PyCon staff will not be present or enforcing our Code of Conduct. Follow the link for each individual event to learn more about the organization hosting it and about any assurances they might make regarding attendee behavior.
[1]: http://www.pycascades.com/hike.html
[2]: https://ti.to/pycascades/pycon-hike/
[3]: https://blog.sentry.io/2017/05/16/pyconafterparty.html
[4]: http://bit.ly/pyconparty17