Financial Aid FAQ

Q. Should I register for the conference before I find out if my financial aid application has been approved?

A. No — Financial Aid applicants do not need to register in the fear that the conference will sell out! We set aside tickets for Financial Aid recipients at a reduced rate. Please note: in the event your financial aid application is not approved, and you still plan to attend, you will need to purchase a ticket at the current rate.

Q. Where can I find out the status of my grant application?

A. Application status and other options can be found on your dashboard.

Q. What is the average grant amount?

A. Around $700.

Q. If I request more funds after my grant has been approved, will that affect my current grant?

A. If you can not attend on your current grant, you may optionally request additional funds through the PyCon website dashboard instead of accepting or declining your grant. We can not guarantee that we will be able to accommodate you, since our budget is tightly stretched. This will put you in a second funding round where we try to redistribute funds from people who have declined their grants. Please note that if you are requesting more funds, and we are unable to allocate more funds, your previous grant will no longer be available; this option is only intended for people who would not be able to attend PyCon on their current grant.

Q. What if I need help with a US visitor visa?

A. We can provide you with an "Invitation Letter" upon request, in support of an application for a United States visitor visa. It confirms that as a registered delegate you are invited to attend by the Python Software Foundation (PSF) and the PyCon 2017 committee.

Q. After my grant is approved, how do I register for tutorials at the discounted rate?

A. Log into your PyCon dashboard and go to the Registration Tab. Enter the Promo Code provided to you in the Financial Aid email on the registration page where requested. You will receive the option for the Financial Aid discounted registration.

Registration is separate from clicking the link, since some people will already be registered by the time they accept financial aid. You should be able to register through Registration, which at some point will ask for a promo code.

  • If you registered prior to receiving financial aid, please contact the Financial Aid committee with the email address you used to register, and we will put you in touch with the relevant people.

Q. How do I upload my receipts for reimbursement?

A. If your application has been approved, and you have accepted, you can log into to your PyCon dashboard and click on the "Upload Receipt" link on your dashboard. Note that this is only available after March 3, 2017.

Q. Can I be reimbursed for food?

A. Yes. We can add a per-diem cost for food to count for your expenses (the current IRS rate is $64/day)

Q. How do I upload a hotel receipt when I haven’t yet checked out?

A. A credit card secured reservation is an acceptable expense receipt. The receipts need to add up to or greater than your grant amount before we can issue your grant (to show that the grant is a reimbursement and not an income, to the IRS).

Q. Can I be reimbursed for mileage?

A. Yes. We only ask for a list of expenses to cover IRS reporting requirements (essentially, to demonstrate that this is a reimbursement and not taxable income). Therefore, we can use the same mileage/gas rules as the IRS normally allows.

Q. What if I don’t come to PyCon?

A. If you do not register and attend PyCon, you will not receive your grant.

Q. Why can’t I upload my receipts?

A. You must remember to accept your grant by the deadline or you will not be able to upload receipts for reimbursement.

Q. What if my receipt is larger than my grant amount?

A. You can upload a receipt (example - airfare) for an amount larger than your grant, but you will only be reimbursed for the amount you were awarded.