Thursday 9 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
Let's build a web framework!
Jacob Kaplan-Moss
> "Reinventing the wheel is great if your goal is to learn more about wheels."
> -- James Tauber
If you're building a web app, you probably reach for your favorite framework -- Django, Flask, Pyramid, etc. But we rarely stop to think about what these tools are doing under the hood. In this hands-on tutorial, you'll gain a deeper understanding of what frameworks are and how they work by implementing your own framework from scratch. We'll build a complete (if minimal) web framework that handles the WSGI request/response cycle, routing, controllers, templating, and a data layer. Along the way you'll gain a deeper understanding of the decisions web frameworks make, their relative merits, and inner workings.
Student Handout
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