Thursday 1:20 p.m.–4:40 p.m.
Django Admin: Basics and Beyond
Kenneth Love
Django's admin is a great tool but it isn't always the easiest or friendliest to set up and customize. The ModelAdmin class has a lot of attributes and methods to understand and come to grips with. On top of these attributes, the admin's inlines, custom actions, custom media, and more mean that, really, you can do anything you need with the admin...if you can figure out how. The docs are good but leave a lot to experimentation and the code is notoriously dense.
In this tutorial, you'll learn the basics of setting up the admin so you can get your job done. Then we'll dive deeper and see how advanced features like autocomplete, Markdown editors, image editors, and others would be added to make the admin really shine.
Student Handout
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