Monitoring Your Plants With Raspberry Pi

Katya Vasilaky, C.Ryan Considine


With the rise of ag tech and DIY farming, raspberry Pi is a feasible way to technify one’s garden, learn more about precision agriculture. But diving into the realm of hardware can be daunting the first time around, even with all the built in features with raspberry pi. Ordering parts is an investment, and user error in soldering parts together is non trivial! Underlying all of that is some basic knowledge of circuitry and how to wire a bread board.

There are many tutorials online about building a water sensor from a raspberry Pi, but once still has to piece together many components from disparate sources, particularly if you have no circuitry or hardware experience. Furthermore, it is difficult to see how the Pi is wired together through a video. Other less obvious steps are how to access the micro controller from your laptop, install packages to the linux based machine, and run a loop that will print out readings.

This poster will present a step-by-step instruction kit of how to build your own raspberry Pi water sensor with a live demo (sensor in hand, plus a basic breadboard to demonstrate movement of a power source to ground that lights up a LED light for hardware novices.) The poster will go from what parts to purchase, how to assemble the parts, how to configure the Pi, and finally how to take the Pi’s output and push it to a postgres database on heroku and print the results to a queryable web application.